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March 6, 2020

Capaccio – Paestum

March 6, 2020 Scritto da Categoria:

Capaccio – Paestum

mare Sea

Capaccio’s beaches are sandy even 80 meters wide.


Capaccio is enclosed in a small plateau dominated from the east by Monte Soprano and bordered, from the west in the direction of Agropoli, by Monte Sottano.

architetture religioseReligious Architectures

  • Cathedral Basilica of the Madonna del Granato , built in the first century
  • Church of the Annunciation , early Christian
  • S. Apostle Peter (16th century)
  • Sanctuary of Gethsemane
  • Franciscan convent
  • Gethsemane of Capaccio , built between 1956 and 1959 on a project by architect Ildo Avetta


  • Fountain of the Three Dolphins
  • Palazzi Bellelli
  • Palazzo D’Alessio
  • Piazza dell’Orologio
  • Tempone square
  • Palazzo De Maria a Paestum
  • La bufalara (Paestum e Gromola)

siti archeologiciArcheological Sites

  • Paestum , ancient city of Magna Grecia called by the founders Poseidonia in honor of Poseidon
  • Heraion at the mouth of the Sele or temple of Hera Argiva is an ancient sanctuary of Magna Grecia dedicated to the goddess Era, located about 9 km from the city of Paestum
  • Gaudo necropoli
  • Old Capaccio
  • Vannulo necropoli
  • Santa Venere necropoli
  • Spinazzo necropoli
  • Andreoli-Laghetto necropoli


  • National Archaeological Museum of Paestum
  • Narrative museum of the sanctuary of Hera Argiva at the mouth of the Sele


  • Mediterranean Archaeological Tourism Exchange to promote sites and destinations of archaeological appeal, promote marketing, contribute to the seasonalization and increase economic opportunities and employment effects

What's nearby

Giungano, Trentinara
